Sunday, November 4, 2012

Naming the Beast

I have always found naming my pets to be hard. Even though any name you pick will eventually seem to fit the dog, I always want to pick something that feels natural calling him or her right then and there. I never seem to feel comfortable "growing into it."

Levi was no different. I had him for more than a month before he fell into his permanent name. He went through a few different iterations: Thunder, Buddy, Blackie, Shadow, and many other back dog themed names. He even sometimes still responds to the name I called him when he did something bad; "Dammit." After about three weeks of this I thought I had settled on Buddy, the name most lacking in creativity and uniqueness I could have possibly picked.

One day that week, I was expressing my frustration about the situation over a walk to my friend Lindsay, and told her that I was just resigning myself to calling him Buddy. Lindsay, being a veterinary technician, stopped walking and just glared at me. She saw many dogs a week, and saw WAY too many "Buddys" to let me give that name to my dog. She thought I needed something unique and fitting. I asked her what she thought was fitting, and she got quiet, thinking it over. After a long moment of silence, she landed on "Levi." I wondered how this was fitting. She told me it wasn't fitting for him, it was fitting for me, since my clothing style wasn't really even a style; it was a brand:

I tried it out for a few days and she was right. It grew on me quickly and ended up sticking. I thought it fit him even better than Linz said it fit me.  It must be true that dogs are canine images of their owners, because ever since he took the name, everyone comments how fitting it is for him.

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